
Interesting Baby Products: Air Filled Cot Sheet

Whenever I take my baby to doctor, she smiles while lying on this bubble wrap type of sheet in doctor's chamber. Its a plastic sheet with air filled bubbles across its area. I believe it gives baby a comfortable bouncy feeling which makes the baby happy :) (before doctor gives her the due vaccination :( )

I inquired about the sheet and got to know this is called as a cot sheet. Searched a bit further and voila.. It was an Air Filled Cot Sheet.

Sheet has good dimensions spanning 600 X 900 mm
It comes in various brands like Farlin, Mee-Mee and Pigeon. I went with the Pigeon one. Its not as if the baby will keep on smiling while on th sheet, it just keeps the baby engaged in the bouncy feeling while you may be changing diapers, doing baby's massage or just letting baby play with a toy or a rattle.

The sheet is available online in prices ranging from Rs.600/- to Rs.1100/-. All in all its a nice product to have and can also be a great gift for new parents.

(Please Note: Flipkart may show you a plain version with trains on it. I ordered the same but got the above sheet which is a better design in my opinion)

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