As a new parent there are a few must have things which need to be bought at the earliest, Pram or Stroller is one of them. Earlier life was really simple, people used to go to a shop and get a pram which was nothing but a basket with a handle and wheels.But today there are so many brands variants and features to choose from that prams can give cars a run for their money.
As a parent the sheer number of choices that you find today, especially online, makes you doozy. So let me list a few things that can be checked for and then you may decide on your own.
- It goes without saying that the pram should have adequate padding in the seat.
- In case you are buying for a new born then do go for the one in which the back can be reclined to make a flat surface. It's not recommended to make baby sit before 5-6 months or until the child attains head control.
- A Foldable canopy to protect baby from sunlight.
- The tyres should have the option of brakes.
- One great to have feature is of the reversible handle bar that can move to other side thus effectively allowing you to face the baby while pushing the pram.
These are the main features I looked for.
As for the brand, that's not really important if you have some sort of warranty and you are getting the features at the right price. A branded pram with above features may set you back by around 5-6 thousand rupees. I went for a local shop brand and i have no complaints yet. It has all the mentioned features for 2800/- from Jhandewalan market, Delhi (near Videocon tower). The local market for prams is generally the same as for cycles, you can look for the same on your city.
Some pics of the latest tarmac scorcher:
The Red-Black padding is Washable |
Rear Facing Handle Mode |
Handle in front facing position |
Pack up Mode |
Mothercare Stroller(Run-Buggy) |
Packed Buggy |
Once your baby is old enough to hold her head, preferably sit up as well you may go for a sleeker version also called as Run Buggy. These are compact in dimensions and can be folded into a slim package, thus easy to pack. However as I said earlier, these are not recommended for a baby less than 4-5 months old.
Graco Travel System with Seat Attached |
Graco Travel System |
Also available are Travel Systems from brands like Chicco and Graco. Here the seat is a removable car seat which may be used in both Car and Pram. These are generally quite costly and the price of buying the two together does not seem to be justified. Though it may give you some convenience if you frequently travel with your baby
To conclude just find a set of features you need and get it. In case you are looking for a foreign brand like Farlin, Chicco or Graco and can't find reviews, just search on sites like Amazon and you will find a few reviews.
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